Monday, June 19, 2017

Dog Days of Summer

Shakti and I are enjoying our summer.   

 She continues to have a great time with her friends at doggy daycare
 One game she plays while there is keep away with this tire. 

 We've been doing a bit of hiking together and jumping into water when possible. 
 Swimming with her buddy Maya
 Shakti was nervous about going all the way into the water, but had no issue with sticking her head under the water. 

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Adventures continue

The adventures of Ms. Shakti.  We have been having a lot of fun romping around the woods together.  Shakti has seen and tried to make friends with squirrels, birds, deer and elk

 She is getting really good about not venturing too far away
 So many scents and things to explore

 It's hard to tell, but she is actually looking at a deer across the street.  She wanted badly to cross the street and go say hello.
And time to relax.  It's exhausting being Shakti